Champagne Finance
All info related to Champagne Finance
Champagne Finance is the result of refining all strategies proposed in our previous project, the main objective for this project is price stabilization for the longer period of time, this will be achieved by our new burning mechanism, a reduced and and adjustable emission rate and finally a key connection to 5 of the 6 of the projects launched by the Yield Farming Club, this should create enough token demand to keep the price as stable as possible for the longest period of time ensuring investors will see good profits.
Official Website: Listing on DappRadar: MasterChefV2: 0x333C62cd46a4d8CC504e56c8e7371AA60B75455F StartBlock: 7682670 ( May 24th 2021) Initial pools + farms: 24
$CHPG Details:
Ticker: CHPG
Contract Address: 0x2A86949C899d3156F5a5ca99Ec73ECF48988f54E
Protocol / Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Initial supply: 200 $CHPG
Total amount to be minted before Start Block: 300 $CHPG
Initial price set at : $85
EXCHANGE: Follow link
Ownership status: Transferred to MasterChef Smart Contract
Proof of ownership transference:
Be mindful of the general price trajectory the native tokens of all Yield Farming projects have, feel free to pump or dump any native token, speculate the way you find more convenient but do it on YOUR OWN RISK, we will NEVER ask you to buy, or hold any of our native tokens, if you do so we assume you have calculated properly a good strategy based on all the data provided by the Smart Contracts, the front-end and our documentation.
Last updated
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